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Deciding to spend the rest of your life with your partner is the easiest part of proposing. Planning and perfecting a unique proposal your better half is sure to love is another story. Luckily, our complete proposal checklist is here to help you tick off all the boxes. From researching and designing the ideal ring to narrowing down engagement locations and celebrating with family and friends, our checklist includes everything you need to know and do before, during, and after the proposal.

couples proposal

Research Ring Designs

Before you rush out and buy the first ring you see, consider your partner’s style. Spend time researching the ideal ring to suit their personality and lifestyle. If you’re lucky, your partner may have already dropped hints about what they like. You can also talk to family and friends to get their ideas about what they think your partner may love for an engagement ring. Be sure to consider ring features, such as metal,  diamond shape preference, stone settings, and style.

Buy the Engagement Ring

Once you feel confident choosing a style, it’s time to buy. A custom jewelry design is the best option for a one-of-a-kind ring. It ensures that you propose with the perfect ring and save time shopping around trying to find exactly what you want. Our experienced design team collaborates to perfect your design and provide knowledgeable advice to choose the most suitable metal and diamonds. Our master jeweler pays attention to detail and will handcraft your ring to the highest standard.

Insure the Ring

Often overlooked, ring insurance is a must. Custom engagement rings are an investment and can have monetary and sentimental value. Take the time to insure the ring with a jewelry insurance company before proposing. By using a stand-alone insurance company rather than your homeowners insurance, you can get comprehensive coverage that can include a wide range of events and the full value of the ring. It also gives you peace of mind should something happen before the proposal.

Jeweler’s Mutual is a great company that offers exactly that. They have been in business for over 110 years and have earned the accolades that come from the world’s most respected insurance rating and information sources. Click here to get a quote from them on insuring your engagement ring. (In the Jeweler Code section, please enter 4401.)

Pick the Proposal Location

With the ring sorted, you can think about the perfect location to propose. You may want to choose a place that is significant to you and your partner, such as the picnic spot where you went on your first date, or the tropical locale where you first vacationed together. Be sure to consider whether your partner would prefer a private proposal over being in the public spotlight. You should also think about the season and weather changes if you’re going to propose outdoors. Check that places are going to be open and make sure your partner is free from any other commitments on the special day. 

Schedule a Photographer

Your partner will thank you for hiring a photographer to capture their reaction. In the surprise and excitement of the moment, it can be hard to remember everything that happens. You can hire a professional photographer or choose a friend to snap some engagement pictures to remember throughout your many years together. You can also use those engagement photos as wedding décor.

Practice Your Proposal Speech

Ensure your proposal goes smoothly without fumbling by practicing your speech. Take the time to consider your words to your partner in this special moment and write them down. You can then memorize what you want to say and avoid having your mind go blank while you’re proposing.

Invite Family and Friends 

One of the best parts about getting engaged is celebrating with family and friends. If your partner is close to their family, you may want to invite them along to witness the proposal. Alternatively, you can plan a private proposal, and then book an engagement party venue where family and friends can gather for an engagement party after you pop the question.

Finalize Details

With the perfect ring in your pocket and an engagement photographer ready to capture the moment, be sure to consider the smaller details and finishing touches. You may not have an issue proposing to your partner in their workout gear, but they may have other ideas. If the proposal is a surprise, consider enlisting the help of your partner’s best friend and organize a spa treatment day, with special attention paid to the hands (read: engagement nails). A close friend may have a better understanding of engagement nail ideas, where to get your partner’s hair done, and which outfit will look stunning in the photos.

Propose With the Perfect Ring From JPratt Designs

There is no need to feel overwhelmed with the marriage proposal checklist, as our experienced jewelry team will help you tick off the first few tasks. You can design and create the perfect ring for your partner with our professional guidance, custom creations, and diamond brokerage service. We provide a comprehensive service based on decades of experience, premium materials, and handcrafting techniques to create a custom ring your partner will treasure for a lifetime. We can even assist you to insure your ring, as we partner with Jewelers Mutual.

Contact us to arrange a consultation for a custom engagement ring.

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