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Your mom deserves the world, but finding the right gift for her can be overwhelming. You want to get her something she’ll love but also something practical she’ll enjoy – jewelry is a great option that accomplishes both! Usually, choosing a timeless piece is the best way to go. Timeless jewelry is versatile. Your mom can wear it with any outfit for any event – from a casual brunch to a special occasion – always feeling confident and stylish.

Today, we reveal the top four timeless jewelry gifts people purchase for their moms. These make the perfect spoils for Mother’s Day, birthdays, push presents, anniversary gifts, or just because. 


Earrings are some of the most popular jewelry gifts for moms. They’re versatile in size/carat weight yet precious and therefore, fit most younger people’s budgets (even when you’re still finding your feet). If you’re looking for something timeless that Mom will wear regularly, we recommend earstuds over dangle or hoop earrings.

Diamond stud earrings never really go out of style, and your mom can wear them with anything, even if her fashion taste changes. They also make the perfect gift for new moms who don’t want jewelry hanging within reach of curious little hands.

Diamond Solitaire Pendants

The design options for diamond and gemstone necklaces are infinite. Chokers, charm necklaces, lockets, and multilayered chains are only a few options you’ll find when searching for your mom’s gift. To make the choice easier, we recommend going with something simple.

A single diamond suspended from a gold or platinum chain is a timeless piece of jewelry every woman should own. The solitaire necklace is elegant and simple enough for special occasions or can elevate everyday looks. Your mom can use it to add sparkle to her favorite outfit of every season, giving her a lot more wear than many elaborate statement necklaces.

Stackable Bands

Like most other jewelry, rings can be very personal, so you should know your mom’s taste before choosing a bold design. That’s why stackable rings make the perfect gifts. They’re generally quite simple and designed to complement each other. Look for eternity rings, solitaire gemstone rings, and stackable gold, or platinum bands.

These designs will complement your mom’s existing ring collection, becoming the supporting acts to her favorite statement pieces. With stackable rings, you’re giving your mom dozens of different styling options instead of just one ring she’ll wear once a year at most. 

Hinged Bracelets

A simple gold or platinum bangle bracelet will never go out of style. However, they can be hard to squeeze over your hand. We recommend getting something with a hinge if you’re looking for some precious wrist jewelry this Mother’s Day. 

Our custom hinged bracelets come in gold, both yellow and pink, and platinum, with the option to add engravings and gemstones in almost any configuration. Of course, depending on your mom’s style, you can be as elaborate or simple as you like here. Either way, a hinged bangle is a timeless jewelry piece your mom can pair with anything, from business casual to athleisure. 

Tips for Choosing a Jewelry Gift for Your Mom

If you’re investing in fine jewelry, you want to buy something your mom will love. The perfect gift should be something you can see your mom wearing based on her style. Before you go shopping, take a moment to consider the following aspects:

  • Metal: Does your mom usually wear white or gold metal jewelry? 
  • Allergies: Find out if she’s sensitive to any metals. Platinum is the most hypoallergenic choice for moms with sensitive skin.
  • Size: Does Mom prefer big, chunky pieces or dainty chains and understated stones?
  • Lifestyle: Dangling, loose jewelry may not be a good fit if she’s active or works in a hands-on environment.

Spoil Mom With a Timeless Jewelry Gift From JPratt Designs

JPratt Designs has been handcrafting fine jewelry in Dallas since 1988. We’re a family-owned business and love helping people spoil their moms, many of whom have been wearing our jewelry for decades! We work with premium precious metals, gemstones, and diamonds and can help you design a custom piece as unique as your relationship with your momma.

Contact JPratt Designs to get a quote or learn more about our jewelry-making process.

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